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    Sunday, June 21, 2009

    Legendary Axe II

    Victor Musical Industries / NEC

    Another kick-ass hack-and-slasher, LA2 is unique because of its atmosphere: I've never experienced another game quite as dark and brooding and melancholy as this one. The overhanging feeling of despair isn't conveyed through cinematic events; instead, it all comes down to in-game presentation. The music is so grim and somber; the enemies, so bizarre; the stages, so bleak and unforgiving. And there's no new dawn to look forward to, as even the ending is completely fucked up. I know a guy who doesn't enjoy playing this game because it actually depresses him. I understand why he feels that way, but instead of repelling me from it, the darkness draws me into the adventure.

    The soundtrack has been the recipient of so much praise over the years that additional commentary really isn't necessary, but I'll note its effortless segues from quiet sadness (Stage 2) to strong, heavy riffage (Stage 3) to the downright creepy (Stage 5).

    And speaking of Stage 5... man, what a crazy level. The grotesque "innards" constituting the boundaries; the giant fire-breathing ostrich monsters; the slithering worm creatures; the slime men who attack you through glorious, limb-splitting suicide... it's utter madness, disgusting and eerie and outlandish... and awesome.

    A stormy tower ascent precedes the game's biggest surprise of all: a high-tech, maze-like final level, which would be difficult to pass even if its complex layout were your only concern. But no--you'll have to deal with the brutal robots who inhabit it as well.

    Those robots are sure to knock you around quite a bit, though you won't take any particularly harrowing falls during your encounters with them. But earlier levels that require you to make lengthy climbs to their peaks (2, 4, and 6, specifically) may prove frustrating, as they host plenty of enemies and traps that can send you reeling back down to the starting point, and steps and leaps must be retraced against tight time limits.

    Dark and weird are clearly the running themes here, whereas the first Axe explored a broader spectrum of concepts. I wouldn't change Axe 2 for anything, as I love the uniqueness of it, but I do prefer the multifaceted Axe overall. Still, this one has its advantages: it provides you with three weapons (plus auxiliary bombs) to wield as opposed to one and pits you against a giant mega-bastard of a final boss.

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